Prof. Karunakara. N
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Coordinator Centre for Advanced Research in Environmental Radioactivity (CARER) Mangalore University Mangalagangothri – 574 199. His research interests are : • Radiation Protection, Radioecology, and Instrumentation • Studies on transfer factors and transfer coefficients for radioactive and non radioactive elements in the environment with emphasis on transfer factor to food chain around the nuclear facilities and mining regions • Carbon-14 and Tritium measurements • Baseline studies around proposed nuclear facilities and mining regions • Impact assessment around operational facilities • Neutron Activation Analyses • Development of new techniques for radiation measurements • Use of radionuclides for studying environment behavior and problems – Application of 137Cs and 210Pb to study the soil erosion and sedimentation rate measurements of reservoirs Dr. Karunakara has been working in this field for 25 years and has authored 82 research publications in journals and about 160 presentations in conferences. He is also a reviewer for several international journals, teaches courses on radiation protection and guides Ph D scholars. He was the Guest Editors for a special volume of Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Elsevier and recently published a special issue of Journal of Environmental Radioactivity on Polonium and Radioactive Pb isotopes. Dr. Karunakara was awarded with the prestigious Dr. A. K. Ganguly Felicitation Award in the year 2012 by the Indian Association for Radiation Protection (IARP) for his outstanding contributions in radio-ecological studies and developing new measurement techniques. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has indentified him as an Expert in radiecological studies. He has scientific collaboration with many countries. He has guided 5 students for their Ph D and currently guiding 8 students. He has 5 ongoing major research projects and completed 3 projects so far. Dr Karunakara was instrumental in establishing a Center for Advanced Research in Environmental Radioactivity (CARER. He has 5 ongoing major research projects and completed 4 projects so far. |