AQAR 2021-22 Documents
1.3.1-Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Human Values and Professional Ethics
- 1.MA.Economics
- 2.MA English
- 3.MA History
- 4.Kannada
- 5.Political Science
- 6.MSW
- 7.Sociology
- 8. Applied Chemistry
- 9.Biochemistry
- 10.Biosciences
- 11.Biotechnology
- 12.Chemistry
- 13.Environmental Science
- 14.Food Science and Nutrition
- 15.Geography
- 16.Geoinformatics
- 17.Human Consciousness and Yogic Science
- 18.Industrial Chemistry
- 19. Materials Science
- 20.Marine Geology
- 21.-Microbiology
- 22.Organic Chemistry
- 23.Physics
- 24. Zoology
- 25.MBA
- 26.M.Com
- 27.M.Com (HRD)
- 28.MEd
- 29. Women Studies