Centre for Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology


Peaceful uses of radiation and radioisotopes for benefit of mankind are immense and their uses in the fields of agriculture, health, industry etc. is well known. The contributions of nuclear science in this direction have been immense with a strong potential for further developments. The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), since its inception, has been exploring and developing many technologies and their applications useful to the society in addition to its achievements in nuclear power sector. Mangalore University has been interacting with DAE for the last 25 years and, as a result, has been able to establish some important infrastructural facilities for teaching and research in nuclear and radiation sciences.

The Centre for Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology (CARRT) was very recently set up at Mangalore University in association with Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) and the Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT) under MoU. The three-fold mandate of the CARRT has been to undertake research and development in the relevant field, generate human resources and provide a platform for interaction of scientists, academicians and industrialists for collaborative R& D programmes.



  1. Create awareness on application of radiation and radioisotopes in different fields of science and technology.
  2. Create awareness on radiation and radioisotope related technologies available for societal use.
  3. Take up the R & D projects on application of radiation and radioisotopes in different fields of science and technology thorough collaborative and interdisciplinary research programmes.
  4. Bringtogether the BARC, University and Industry for closer interaction to initiate collaborative R & D activities.
  5. Impart training on various aspects of use of radiation and radioisotopes and safety. 

About the Centre

  1. CARRT has been established in collaboration with Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) and Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology (BRIT), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Mumbai under MoU.
  2. BRNS provided Rs. 400.00 lakhs to establish the centre and Mangalore University spent about Rs. 60.00 lakhs to establish the infrastructure required for the Centre.
  3.  The Centre has been established as per the guidelines of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), Govt. of India.
  4. AERB recognised CARRT as Radioisotope Laboratory Type-II.
  5. CARRT was inaugurated by Dr. Srikumar Banerjee, Former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission & Secretary to Govt. of India, Department of Atomic Energy on 23.02.2012.
  6. This Centre is first of its kind among the Indian universities established for carrying out R&D activities in the field of application of radiation and radioisotopes in different areas of science and technology.
  7. This Centre is functioning as a Central Research Facility and involved in collaborative research programmes with other institutes and universities.