About the Centre

Center for Women Studies

Activities of the Centre

a. Lectures:

A total of 92 lectures have been organised by the Centre. These lectures have been given both at the University and at the various colleges coming under the University. Emphasis has been placed to expose young students to women’s issues such as Women’s rights, Gender Discrimination, Domestic Violence Act, Sexual Minorities, Women Empowerment, Women Entrepreneurship, and Consumer Awareness. ( for an exhaustive list Please click here)

b. Workshops:

The Centre has conducted 111 workshops during the Eighteen years period focussing on Gender awareness and Gender Sensitisation. There has also been a series of workshops that have been conducted to document and publish the lives of women. The Centre has conducted two Capacity building workshops for Women Managers in Higher Education in collaboration with the UGC. These workshops help to gender sensitise the participants and has helped them to become women managers by providing insights into governance, academic leadership, besides emphasing the need to balance the personal with the professional. ( for an exhaustive list of workshops Please click here

c. Seminars:

State level Seminars were organised by the Centre on, Panchayati Raj, Education of the Girl Child, Violence against Women and Role of Community in Prevention of Violence against Women. ( for an exhaustive list of seminars Please click here)

d. International Women’s Day Celebrations:

Academic year 2016-17

Women’s Day was Celebrated Mangalore University on 8th March, 2017. The celebrations consisted of two parts. In the first session Mr. Karthik Kateel an expert in self defence and his mother Shobalatha enthralled the over 950 audience with their self defence techniques particularly tailored for girls and women.

The second part of the celebration consisted of the Women’s Day lecture and felicitation of women achievers.

Academic year 2017-18

Women’s Day was celebrated in Mangalore University on 8th March, 2018. The celebrations consisted of two parts. The first session started with Dr. Sangeeta Laxmi, a naturopathy doctor and yoga expert, talking on how to distress from stress. Realising that today’s world was full of stress and tension, and women found it difficult to have a work-life balance a topic of this nature was welcomed by both men and women who came to listen to this lecture cum demonstration. All the people who came for this walked away with useful handy tools and tips on how to manage stress.

Academic year 2018-19

Women’s Day was celebrated in Mangalore University on 8th March, 2019. The celebrations consisted of two parts. The first session started with Interactive Self-defence workshop by Ms.Reena Ranjith.

There was also a poster exhibition put up by the Center on unique women achievers, both National and International. The exhibition drew a lot of attention and discussions were seen amongst the visitors on these posters.

Academic year 2020-21

Women’s Day was celebrated in Mangalore University on 8th March, 2021. The theme for this year was “Choose to Challenge”. Prior to March 8th the Gender Champions started a campaign where they got all the students, research scholars and, teaching and non teaching staff to join the Choose to Challenge Campaign in the campus. The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor and the Registrar of the University also took part in this Campaign. This Campaign was played on a Screen on the occasion of Women’s Day.

Academic year 2021-22

Women’s Day was celebrated in Mangalore University on 8th March, 2022. A number of programmes were oganised to mark this occasion. Apart from the Women’s day oration , there was a street play on the theme Stop Violence Against Women. In the afternoon a workshop on the theme Graphology for Empowerment was organized for students. On the second day a health camp focusing on Accupressure as a means to good health was also organised.

Academic year 2022-23

Women’s Day was celebrated in Mangalore University on 8th March, 2023. The celeberation consisted of two parts. The Women’s Day celeberation was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Mangalore University Prof. Subrahmanya Yadapadithaya. In his inaugural speech The Vice Chancellor stated how important it was to celebrateWomen’s Day as this is a day when women are recognized for their achievements irrespective of their intersectionalities. International Women's Day has assumed a new global dimension for women everywhere and he was happy that the UGC Centre for Womens Studies had brought the celeberation of Women’s Day to the mainstream.

Academic year 2023-24

The International Women’s Day was Celebrated at the University on 21st March, 2024. The program started at 2.00pm by students program. The students staged cultural show which depicted modern day menace over the unscrupnlated usage of electronic media. It was highly entertaining. The formal function was started at 3.30pm. The program was attended by the Teaching, Non-Teaching staff and students. The Director (In-Charge) Prof. B.K.Sarojini briefed about the genesis and development of UGC Centre for Women’s Studies. She welcomed the gathering. Ms. Renu Jayaram, Founder President, Platform of Women Entrepreneurs (Regd) (POWER) Udupi was the Chief Guest. She, in her address narrated how important for a woman to know the financial management and investment skills. The difficulties faced by women entrepreneur and how to overcome them and to be successful.

The Registrar Sri. Raju Mogaveera. KAS in his message stressed upon the necessity of Empowerment Women. The president of the function honorable Vice- chancellor Prof. P. L. Dharma had talked about the inequalities prevailing in the society and how to overcome these inequalities by empowering women. The program was concluded by vote of thanks.

Dr. Preethi Keerthi D’Souza compered the program. This was followed by the cultural evening presented by women employees, guest faculties and Research Scholars of the University. It was highly entertaining depicting the inclusiveness of women in the society.

d). Literary Fest:

A State level “Women’s Literary Fest” was held to mark the completion of five years of the Centre’s existence.

e. Symposium and Colloquium:

A Colloquium on Women’s Studies in Karnataka: Challenges and Prospects was organised in March 2005 and a Symposium on Women’s Studies in Indian Universities was organised in August 2005.

f. Women’s Meet:

1. A Women’s Meet- Mahila Jatha was also organised in collaboration with the colleges coming under the University in March 2011. A memorandum which was brought out at the end of the meet on Women’s Rights and Demands was submitted to the government.

2. A Multi Lingual Women Writers Meet was organised between March 17th-18th 2015 bringing together women writers of all the 8 South Indian languages on one platform to discuss women’s issues in these regions.

g. One-Woman Show:

Two one woman shows were performed. One was a mono act by a Rangayana artist Smt Sashikala B.N. and the other was a unique lecture cum demonstration by Dr. K.S. Pavithra through the Indian dance form of Baratanatyam. Both depicted and brought out effectively women’s issues.

 h. Partnerships:

The Women’s Studies Centre has been successful in obtaining the co-operation of several local and national NGO’s in the task of giving a fillip to pro-women concepts and ideas, and also mainstreaming gender concerns.


Prof. B.K Sarojini


Centre for Women’s Studies

UGC Centre for Women’s Studies and Professor,

Department of Industrial Chemistry


Non- Teaching

  1. Ms. Shwetha - Computer Operator ( Temporary)
  2. Ms. Sharavathi - Attender ( Temporary)