Fee Details
Fee Details 2024-25 - 
- Revised notification- PG exam fees
- Examination Fee & Degree Marks Card, Certificate & Other Documents for the academic year 2024-25
- PG-PROGRAMMES- 2024-25
- UG Programms
Fee Details 2023-24
- ಜನವರಿ 2024ರಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆಯಲಿರುವ ಎಂ.ಎಡ್.ಸ್ನಾತಕೋತ್ತರ ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಮಗಳ ದ್ವೀತಿಯ ಸೆಮಿಸ್ಟರ್ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ
- Notification of Dec/Jan 2023-24 UG Examination Fees
- UG Exam- 23
- Post-Doctoral Studies
- PG Exam- 23
- Degree marks card, certificate & other documents
- PG- Campus & Constituent Colleges
- PG- Govt. Colleges
- PG- Affiliated Colleges
- PG- Autonomous Colleges
Fee structure
- Regarding B.A. Tourism program fees
- Regarding the fee fixed for degree programmes for the academic year 2023-24
- Admission fee structure for UG programmes in affiliated colleges and Issue of various certificate/Documents
- Admission fee structure for UG progremmes- University Campus/Constituent colleges
- Admission fee structure for Career Oriented programmes- Constituent Colleges
- Admission fee structure for Diploma/Certificate programmes- University Evening College
Fee Details 2022-23
- Degree Marks Card, Certificate & Other Documents Fee Structure
- P.G. Programms Examinaiton Fees
- U.G. Programms Examinaiton Fees
- New Program Fee Structure - B.Sc. Yogic Science & B.Sc. Geography
PG admission fee structure- 2022-23
- Extension of Last date for payment of PG Examinations Fee-Sep 2022
- Fees Structure for Constunt Collages UG, Diploma, Certificate Program 2022-23
- Fees Structure for Job Oriented Programs
- Fees Structure for UG Admission fee and issue of various Certificates/Documents
Fee Details 2021-22
- Ph.D fee structure-2021-22
- Fee Structure for Under Graduate, Diploma, Certificate Programmes
- Fee Structure for Degree Marks card, Certificates and Other Documents
- Fee structure for Post-Graduate, PG Diploma, Certificate Programmes
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the M.A. Kodava Programmes in the Mangalore University Campus/ P.G. Centre Chikka Aluvara/ Constituent Colleges During the Academic Year 2021-22 for the Students Admitted Under General and Partial Self Financing Category
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the P.G. Degree Programmes (Except M.B.A / M.C.A Degree Programme) in the Departments of Mangalore University/ P.G. Centre Chikka Aluvara/ Constituent Colleges During the Academic Year 2021-22 for the Students Admitted Under General and Partial Self Financing Category
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Autonomous Colleges for the Academic Year 2021-22
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Affiliated Colleges for the Academic Year 2021-22
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Government Colleges for the Academic Year 2021-22
- Fee Structure for M.B.A/ M.C.A Degree Programmes in the Mangalore University Departments for the Academic Year 2021-22
- Fee Prescribed for MBA [International Business] Degree Programme in Mangalore University During the Academic Year 2021-22
- Fee Structure for U.G. Courses in Affiliated Colleges for the Academic Year 2021-22
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges for the Academic Year 2021-22
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges (Evening Course) for the Academic Year 2021-22
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the Diploma in German/French Language and Certificate Course in German/French Language in the University Evening College, Mangalore During the Academic Year 2021-22
- Fees Structure for Career Oriented for the Academic Year 2021-22
Fee Details 2020-21
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the B.P.Ed. programmes in the Departments of Mangalore University During the Academic Year 2020-21 for the Students Admitted under General and Partial Self Financing Category
- Fee for Various U.G. Degree/ Diploma/ Certificate Examination conducted by Mangalore University 2020-21
- Fee Prescribed for various Post-Graduate/Diploma/Certificate programmes examinations conducted by University during the Academic Year 2020-21
- Fee structure in respect of Degree Marks Card, Certificate and Other documents for the Academic year 2020-2021
- Fee Notification for all P.G. Second year Programmes and Third year MCA Programme
- Fee Notification for U.G. Programmes
- Details of General Fee to be charged for admission to the M.Sc. Cyber Security programme in the Department of Mangalore University during the academic year 2020-21
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the P.G. Degree Programmes (Except M.B.A / M.C.A Degree Programme) in the Departments of Mangalore University During the Academic Year 2020-21 for the Students Admitted Under General and Partial Self Financing Category
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Autonomous Colleges for the Academic Year 2020-21
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Affiliated Colleges for the Academic Year 2020-21
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Government Colleges for the Academic Year 2020-21
- Fee Structure for M.B.A/ M.C.A Degree Programmes in the Mangalore University Departments for the Academic Year 2020-21
- Fee Prescribed for MBA [International Business] Degree Programme in Mangalore University During the Academic Year 2020-21
- Details of General Fee to be charged for admission to the P.G. Diploma/Certificate course in the Mangalore University Campus/Constituent colleges during the academic year 2020-21
- Fees Structure for Career Oriented for the Academic Year 2020-21
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the Diploma in German/French Language and Certificate Course in German/French Language in the University Evening College, Mangalore During the Academic Year 2020-21
- Fee structure for U.G. admission and issue of various Certificates/Documents etc.,for the academic year 2020-21
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges for the Academic Year 2020-21
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges (Evening Course) for the Academic Year 2020-21
Fee Details 2019-20
- Fee for Various U.G. Degree/ Diploma/ Certificate Examination Conducted by Mangalore University 2019-20
- The Fees Prescribed for Various P.G. Degree/ Diploma and Certificate Course Examinations Conducted by the University During 2019-20.
- Fee Structure in respect of Degree Marks Card, Certificate and Other documents for the Academic Year 2019-20.
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Autonomous Colleges for the Academic Year 2019-20
- Fee Structure for M.B.A/ M.C.A Degree Programme in the Mangalore University Departments for the Academic Year 2019-20
- Fee Prescribed for MBA [International Business] Degree Programme in Mangalore University During the Academic Year 2019-20.
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Affiliated Colleges for the Academic Year 2019-20
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Government Colleges for the Academic Year 2019-20
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the P.G. Degree Programmes (Except M.B.A / M.C.A Degree Programme) in the Departments of Mangalore University During the Academic Year 2019-20 for the Students Admitted Under General and Partial Self Financing Category
- Details of General Fee to be charged for admission to the P.G. Diploma/Certificate course in the Mangalore University Campus/Constituent colleges during the academic year 2019-20
- Fee structure for U.G. admission fee and issue of various Certificates/Documents etc.,for the academic year 2019-20
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the Diploma in German/French Language and Certificate Course in German/French Language in the University Evening College, Mangalore During the Academic Year 2019-20
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges for the Academic Year 2019-20
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges (Evening Course) for the Academic Year 2019-20
Fee Details 2018-19
- The Fees Prescribed for Various P.G. Degree/ Diploma and Certificate Course Examinations Conducted by the University During 2018-19.
- Fee for Various U.G. Degree/ Diploma/ Certificate Examination Conducted by Mangalore University 2018-19
- Fee Structure in respect of Degree Marks Card, Certificate and Other documents for the Academic Year 2018-19.
- Fee Structure for the Issue of Various Certificates/Documents etc., for the Academic Year 2018-19
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges for the Academic Year 2018-19
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges (Evening Course) for the Academic Year 2018-19
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the P.G. Degree Programmes (Except M.B.A / M.C.A Degree Programme) in the Departments of Mangalore University During the Academic Year 2018-19 for the Students Admitted Under General and Partial Self Financing Category
- Fee Structure for M.B.A/ M.C.A Degree Programme in the Mangalore University Departments for the Academic Year 2018-19
- Fee Prescribed for MBA [International Business] Degree Programme in Mangalore University During the Academic Year 2018-19.
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Autonomous Colleges for the Academic Year 2018-19
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Affiliated Colleges for the Academic Year 2018-19
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the P.G. Diploma in Yogic Science and Certificate Course in Yogic Science in the University College, Mangalore During the Academic Year 2018-19
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the Diploma in German/French Language and Certificate Course in German/French Language in the University Evening College, Mangalore During the Academic Year 2018-19
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the P.G. Diploma in Cyber Security Course in the Mangalore University Campus During the Academic Year 2018-19
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Government Colleges for the Academic Year 2018-19
- Details of General Fee to be charged for admission to the P.G. Diploma in Embedded System course in the Mangalore University Campus during the academic year 2018-19
- Details of General Fee to be charged for admission to the M.A. [History & Archaeology] in the University College, Mangaluru during the academic year 2018-19 for the students admitted under General and Partial Self Financing Category.
- Details of General Fee to be charged for admission to the L.L.M. course in the Mangalore University Campus during the academic year 2018-19 for the students admitted under General and Partial Self Financing Category.
- Details of General Fee to be charged for admission to the M.A. [Tulu] in the University Evening College, Mangaluru during the academic year 2018-19 for the students admitted under General and Partial Self Financing Category.
Fee Details 2017-18
- The Fees Prescribed for Various P.G. Degree/ Diploma and Certificate Course Examinations Conducted by the University During 2017-18.
- Fee for Various U.G. Degree/ Diploma/ Certificate Examination Conducted by Mangalore University 2017-18
- Fee Structure for the Issue of Various Certificates/Documents etc., for the Academic Year 2017-18
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges for the Academic Year 2017-18
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges (Evening Course) for the Academic Year 2017-18
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the P.G. Degree Programmes (Except M.B.A / M.C.A Degree Programme) in the Departments of Mangalore University During the Academic Year 2017-18 for the Students Admitted Under General and Partial Self Financing Category
- Fee Structure for M.B.A/ M.C.A Degree Programme in the Mangalore University Departments for the Academic Year 2017-18
- Fee Prescribed for MBA [International Business] Degree Programme in Mangalore University During the Academic Year 2017-18.
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Autonomous Colleges for the Academic Year 2017-18
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Affiliated Colleges for the Academic Year 2017-18
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the P.G. Diploma in Yogic Science and Certificate Course in Yogic Science in the University College, Mangalore During the Academic Year 2017-18
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the Diploma in German/French Language and Certificate Course in German/French Language in the University Evening College, Mangalore During the Academic Year 2017-18
- Details of General Fee to be Charged for Admission to the P.G. Diploma in Cyber Security Course in the Mangalore University Campus During the Academic Year 2017-18
- Fee Structure for P.G. Courses in Government Colleges for the Academic Year 2017-18
Fee Details 2016- 17
- Fees Structure for the issue of various Certificates and Diploma Course for the academic year 2016-17.
- Fees Structure for the issue of various Certificates/Documents etc., for the academic year 2016-17.
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges/Diploma course for the academic year 2016-17.
- Fees Structure for Constituent Colleges (Evening course) for the academic year 2016-17
- Fee structure for P.G. Diploma in Yogic Science and Certificate course in Yogic Science in the University College,Mangalore during the academic year 2016-17.
- Fee structure fixed for various Degree Marks card, Certificate and Other documents for the year 2016-17.
- Fee prescribed for MBA [International Business] course conducted by the Department of Business Administration, Mangalore University offered at University College, Mangalore during the academic year 2016-17.
- Fee structure for MBA / MCA degree programmes in the Post-Graduate Departments of Mangalore University for the academic year 2016-17
- Fee structure for MBA / MCA degree programmes in the Post-Graduate Departments of Mangalore University for the academic year 2016-17
- Fee structure for P.G. degree programmes (M.Sc. Food Science and Nutrition/ M.Sc. Environmental Science/ M.A Konkani) in the Departments of Mangalore University during the academic year 2016-17.
- Fee structure for P.G. degree programmes (M.Sc. Medical Physics and M.Sc. Geography) in the Departments of Mangalore University during the academic year 2016-17.
- Fee structure for PG courses in Affiliated Colleges for the academic year 2016-17.
- Fee structure for PG courses in Autonomous Colleges for the academic year 2016-17.
- Fee structure for PG courses in Government Colleges for the academic year 2016-17.
- Service charges for selection of students under Govt. Quota to the affiliated colleges offering P.G. degree courses for the year 2016-17