Facilities provided in the Department
- Qualified faculty to teach the subjects
- Well equipped laboratories
- Helping and student friendly administrative staff
Labs equipped with the Department
There are well equipped 3 laboratories available presently for the existing Department and having store rooms to store the chemicals and glass wares.
Nature & type of research
The department is carrying out research in the field of chemical spectroscopy, Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Nanotechnology and photonics.
Interdisciplinary collaborative research projects on photonic and Nanomaterials, Radiation protection and Radiation Chemistry related fields are under way.
Contribution to the Corporate Life
The students graduated from the Industrial Chemistry department are placed in multinational companies like Syngene, Syngenta Biosciences, Advinus, Apotex, Pharma chem., Rallies, Viswaat Chemicals etc.
Membership of Academic & Professional Bodies held by Faculty Members
Memberships: Prof. B.K. Sarojini
- Life member of Indian Liquid Crystal Society
- Life member of Indian Council of Chemists
- Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education
- Member of The International Society for optical Engineering [SPIE]
- Life member of The Indian Science Congress Association
- Life member of The Electrochemical Society of India
- Life member Swadeshi Vijnana Aandolana Karnataka
- Life member of Indian Women Scientist Association
New Postgraduate Programs
Any new PG programs propose to start a certificate and PG Diploma course in “Waste management & Green technology”.