Research Projects

Computer Science

Research Projects

Prof. Doreswamy:

1. UGC Minor research project entitled “Computer Interactive Maturity Systems (CIMS) Using Simulation and Modeling of Polymer Curing Technologies” sanctioned vide reference no. MRP(S)-285/2005(X plan)/KAMA004/UGC-SWRO, dated 30th March 2005.
2. UGC Major Research Project entitled “Scientific Knowledge Discovery Systems (SKDS) For Advanced Engineering Materials Design Applications”, worth of Rs. 9, 71,800.00 sanctioned vide F.No. 34-99\2008 (SR), 30th December 2008- 31.January 2012. 

Prof. Manjaiah D H:

1. UGC MRP Project with an entitled “Design Tool of IPv6 Mobility for 4G - Networks “, Wirth of Rs.10,72,800/- [ Ref.No. UGC MRP F.No.36 - 167 / 2008 (SR) Dated. 26.03.2009] from March, 2009 to Oct.2012. 
2. Industry collaborative project on, “Replication of Data in Cloud Computing & Novel Privacy and Security approaches for Big Data Analytics”. 
3. Science & Engineering Research Board [SERB], DST, New Delhi Project funded project entitled “Novel Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad - Hoc Network”, [Ref. No.SB/EMEQ - 151/2014 Dated.21.03.2016]. 

Prof. B H Shekar:

1. On the Analysis and Understanding of Video Image Data, Funding Agency: University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India.Fund: Rs. 8,13,400/-Duration: 5th May 2009 – 4th May 2012 (3 Years) - Completed
2. Spatial Modeling of Human Faces for Real time Classification and Analysis, Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India. And Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russia - A Collaborative Research Project with Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.Fund: Rs. 14,62,280/, Duration: 10th June 2009 – 9th June 2011 (2 Years) - Completed
3. Mathematical models and morphological analysis based algorithms for image comparison and classification in computer based vision system, Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India. And Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russia - A Collaborative Research Project with Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.,Fund: Rs. 22,50,000/-; Duration: 10th June 2012 – 9th June 2014 (2 Years) – Completed.
4. Exploration of Continuous Morphological Models for Analysis, Understanding and Classification of Dynamic Depth Images/Videos; Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India. And Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russia - A Collaborative Research Project with Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.; Fund: Rs. 28,40,400/-;Duration: Apr. 2017 – Aug. 2019 Years) – Completed
1. Design and Development of Real-Time Transportation Safety Monitoring System for Smart Cities, Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India. And Japan Cooperative Science Programme, - A Collaborative Research Project with Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad and Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan.; Fund: Rs. 9,40,400/-; Duration: June 2018 –June 2020 (2 Years) – Completed

Prof. H L Shashirekha:

1. Enhancing quality assurance management and benchmarking strategies in Indian Universities, Co-funded by the Erasmus Programme of European Union. Completed.

Research Collaborations (both National & International) 

  1. Moscow State University, Russia
  2. University of Texas, United States
  3. University of Jena, Germany
  4. University of Tokyo, Japan
  5. University of Malaya, Malaysia
  6. Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
  7. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Prayagraj, UP