Research Projects
Research Projects
Prof. Doreswamy:
1. UGC Minor research project entitled “Computer Interactive Maturity Systems (CIMS) Using Simulation and Modeling of Polymer Curing Technologies” sanctioned vide reference no. MRP(S)-285/2005(X plan)/KAMA004/UGC-SWRO, dated 30th March 2005.
2. UGC Major Research Project entitled “Scientific Knowledge Discovery Systems (SKDS) For Advanced Engineering Materials Design Applications”, worth of Rs. 9, 71,800.00 sanctioned vide F.No. 34-99\2008 (SR), 30th December 2008- 31.January 2012.
Prof. Manjaiah D H:
1. UGC MRP Project with an entitled “Design Tool of IPv6 Mobility for 4G - Networks “, Wirth of Rs.10,72,800/- [ Ref.No. UGC MRP F.No.36 - 167 / 2008 (SR) Dated. 26.03.2009] from March, 2009 to Oct.2012.
2. Industry collaborative project on, “Replication of Data in Cloud Computing & Novel Privacy and Security approaches for Big Data Analytics”.
3. Science & Engineering Research Board [SERB], DST, New Delhi Project funded project entitled “Novel Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad - Hoc Network”, [Ref. No.SB/EMEQ - 151/2014 Dated.21.03.2016].
Prof. B H Shekar:
1. On the Analysis and Understanding of Video Image Data, Funding Agency: University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India.Fund: Rs. 8,13,400/-Duration: 5th May 2009 – 4th May 2012 (3 Years) - Completed
2. Spatial Modeling of Human Faces for Real time Classification and Analysis, Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India. And Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russia - A Collaborative Research Project with Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.Fund: Rs. 14,62,280/, Duration: 10th June 2009 – 9th June 2011 (2 Years) - Completed
3. Mathematical models and morphological analysis based algorithms for image comparison and classification in computer based vision system, Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India. And Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russia - A Collaborative Research Project with Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.,Fund: Rs. 22,50,000/-; Duration: 10th June 2012 – 9th June 2014 (2 Years) – Completed.
4. Exploration of Continuous Morphological Models for Analysis, Understanding and Classification of Dynamic Depth Images/Videos; Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India. And Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow, Russia - A Collaborative Research Project with Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.; Fund: Rs. 28,40,400/-;Duration: Apr. 2017 – Aug. 2019 Years) – Completed
1. Design and Development of Real-Time Transportation Safety Monitoring System for Smart Cities, Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India. And Japan Cooperative Science Programme, - A Collaborative Research Project with Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad and Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan.; Fund: Rs. 9,40,400/-; Duration: June 2018 –June 2020 (2 Years) – Completed
Prof. H L Shashirekha:
1. Enhancing quality assurance management and benchmarking strategies in Indian Universities, Co-funded by the Erasmus Programme of European Union. Completed.
Research Collaborations (both National & International)
- Moscow State University, Russia
- University of Texas, United States
- University of Jena, Germany
- University of Tokyo, Japan
- University of Malaya, Malaysia
- Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
- Indian Institute of Information Technology, Prayagraj, UP